Saturn Satellite Simulator
Created in 2018 for my Comp330 assignment 3 Unit using C++ and MinGW.
the Features i added were:
Basic Features:
1.Provide a simulation of the Saturn system, with 3 moons of your choice orbiting Saturn.
2.Show three viewports for planet/moons (any combination of the realistic, spacecraft, orbital, or map views).
- If realistic view is present, have a directional light source and uniquely textured moons.
- If spacecraft view is present, have it tinted a colour to look like raw sensor data.
- If map view is present, have a texture that is slowly revealed by scanning.
- If orbit view is present, have a map showing the positions of all moons, the probe, and Saturn.
3.Have a probe that can orbit around the moons, and can instantly swap between them.
Additional Features Added:
1.Have more than 3 moons present in the system.
2.Have the moons rotate on their axes as they orbit Saturn.
3.Have all 4 viewports for planet/moons.
- For realistic view, add stars to the background.
- For realistic view, add rings to Saturn.
- For spacecraft view, add some graphical overlay to the current moon.
- For scanning, show a grid over the map, or reveal the map in a more complicated way.
- For orbit view, show the orbit path of the current moon.
- For orbit view, show a trail of where the probe has been.
4.Provide functionality to cycle through the positions on the screen of the 4 planet/moon viewports.
6.Show the probe in a small viewport at the right of the main one.